Rosie Hayes
Rosie Hayes
27 October, 2022

International School Library Month - Reading for Global Peace and Harmony

This month is International School Library Month and the theme is 'Reading for Global Peace and Harmony'. More about the theme from the official website: "The 2022 theme for ISLM is “READING FOR GLOBAL PEACE AND HARMONY.” It is based on the 2022 IASL Conference theme “School Librarianship and the Evolving Global Information Landscape''. We know that there are many countries around the world that are facing grave situations. One thing we can all agree on is the need for peace and harmony across the globe. Our theme will encourage all who participate in ISLM this year to reflect on how reading can help us understand and support one another. Truly experiencing the journeys of others through storytelling leads us on our own journey to greater understanding and compassion." We put together some quotes from students about how literature (historical, fiction, poetry, journalism, etc.) has helped them to think about global peace and harmony. So our question to them was - have you ever thought about Global Peace and Harmony because of something you have read? Here are their answers! (click to enlarge)